The Children of REACH trust you


Dear Friends and Family,

When REACH held its first camp in 1995, HIV-infected children were not expected to live past eight or ten years of age. Not only were the children born with a predicted death sentence, they were judged by a society that feared and rejected them, causing hopelessness for their present as well as their future.

For over 16 years, REACH has provided respite for families of HIV-affected children
with vital year-round programming. Each Labor Day, we gather together for a highly anticipated time known to all simply as ‘Camp.’ The environment at camp is judgment free. It is a place where families can trust each other in a relaxed and fun setting, while sharing their experiences and stories. Camp is where relationships are formed, and the rest of the year, those relationships are sustained by regular contact at family gatherings, activities, and a spring retreat. Most importantly, mentoring provides a consistent message of hope for our kids and families.

This is what camp was like for Julia, now one of our young adults, who joined REACH when she was five years old:

“I remember shoulder rides because I had a hard time walking and so the counselors, like Shadrak and Omar helped me. They would pick me up, put me on their shoulders, and run around all over the place. It was such fun, because most of the kids were doing it… it wasn’t just me. It was really scary being up so high, I trusted that person so much… I was just having fun.”

When I started at REACH I was just a kid, and didn’t realize how great it was to have that trust. I grew up in foster care because of neglect and my role models came
from people at camp. There was love and support and encouragement; maybe you would say it was a glimpse of heaven. Today it is still like that. The staff, mentors and friends at REACH have given me strong role models that help me envision my future. REACH has been there for me, all these years.”

Julia’s story is one of hope and encouragement, with a vision of a future that is grounded in the relationships built at REACH. For some of our children, REACH is the only consistent relationship they have known; Camp is the one thing they can count on year after year.

Many of you have been consistent in your partnership with REACH through giving of your time and financial resources
and we thank you. We depend on our monthly donors to sustain the ministry. If you are not already giving, will you please consider a gift to support programs for our children and their families of at least $1.00 a day, in a monthly gift of $30, $50 or $100? If you are already giving, will you increase your gift? If your gift has lapsed, will you please reinstate your gift?

Camp is just around the corner, representing our greatest expense each year. The cost for one child to attend camp: $400. Registration fees for a family of four: $120. One activity: Horseback Ride, Climbing Tower or High Ropes Course for each child: $20. The memories for that child: priceless! Enclosed you will find a donor envelope for your gift, which is fully tax deductible. Donate at our website: or contact us for assistance. Thank you, from all of us in the extended family of REACH; we are blessed by your generosity and your prayers.

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