June 2013

You know the saying “No news is good news”? You haven’t heard from us for a little while, but “all’s well” at REACH. We have been busy doing what we do best – relationships. Please read on, because the news to report is exciting. You helped us achieve a goal and provide a gift to our families this past March. And we thank you for your support!

Painting a Picture

You are a parent with kids who carry a life-threatening disease. It’s called HIV. It’s a part of your family, every day, there’s no vacation from it. You must be careful who you tell about your child’s status, maybe even your own HIV status, and that makes it difficult to make friends, real friends. Your adopted kids are having trouble at school. One comes home crying because the other kids don’t understand; they just know your child is different. Your child is acting out – a tough kid, he refuses to take his medication. Someone just asked you, “When was the last time you had a weekend away?”

You think of going somewhere you can really relax, let your kids run and play. You’d like to talk with other adults who know where you are and let go of some of the things that really hurt. You think of a weekend when you know all your meals are ready for you. You don’t have to cook, clean, do laundry or even mow the lawn. You can cry if you need to because someone is there to listen. You can be sure you are going to laugh. And you know that your heart will be full before the weekend is over, one way or another.

That’s REACH Camp.

You’ve looked forward to camp each year, maybe all sixteen years, and your whole family loves it almost as much as Christmas. If only there was another weekend to get together, to enjoy the same kind of respite.



This spring marked a new adventure for REACH families. Your generous gifts enabled us to realize a goal: the First Annual Family Retreat! It was a special and intimate three-day getaway blessed by the community created by 60 family members and volunteers.

It was relaxing, low key, and fun; a time to deepen relationships and reconnect with family. Family that only gets together once or twice a year, is separated by miles, ages, income, and faith, but family nonetheless.

In our December and January newsletters, we talked about the concept of “Coming Home,” and what that means. It sparked such a tender chord in our hearts that we used it as the Retreat theme. It’s a phrase that’s commonly heard surrounding camp arrival and departure, but we wanted to reinforce the reality that each one of our family members, volunteers, donors, and supporters holds the key to REACH and is always welcome.

At registration, we heard family after family comment on the fact that just driving through the gate filled them with a sense of hope and joy.
We have been blessed with an amazing location for both Camp and the Retreat, but what creates this feeling isn’t the cabins, or food, or even the activities, it’s the people who share this sacred time with one another. One mom shared that “there is no other place we go as a family, including our own church, where the love of God is so evident.”


We gathered in the Prayer Chapel Sunday morning, with the message of how much God loves us – just as we are. A young man was moved by the love he felt that weekend, recognizing that, “All of you have Jesus in your life and I don’t….” and later, surrounded in prayer, he asked Jesus to be Lord and Savior of his life!



The opportunity to get together is particularly important for those who have grown up trusting REACH.

On Saturday, older teens and young adults talked honestly about living HIV+ with a pediatric doctor who treated some of them since birth. As the discussion continued, the doctor said to one young woman, “I know you are a miracle.” This young woman, as a kid, pretended she was taking her medication and would throw them in the bushes as she went to school. She couldn’t see the affects the meds had, but as her immune system weakened, tests confirmed: she should not have survived. This doctor represents someone who cares and is invested in the lives of our REACH families.

Each person who is a part of REACH is affected by HIV, whether that’s personally, or through their child, sibling, boyfriend, or parent.


Those who live with a chronic disease know what it means, but the majority of us can’t understand the depth of daily meds, questions of the future, or fear of relationships these families undergo.

It’s that fear and isolation that REACH strives to resolve. God did not create us to live our lives in fear nor to live it alone. Just like it was not good for Adam to be alone, so we are created for community.

As the Retreat closed on Sunday, we reflected on the volunteer who patiently made sure a young man in a wheelchair got to every event, or the Christian family of eleven who reached out to three young men longing for family and godly relationships, and the woman who dialogued with a young adult about his beliefs and through prayer and God’s mighty hand, we rejoice that he is now a brother in Christ. These interactions are why we are here: to show love to one another.



We pray that as you are reading this, you would hear God reminding you of the community He has placed in your life and know that you are part of the important relationships going on at REACH.

We don’t always get to see those of you who support our ministry financially or through prayer, but you play an important role in the lives of our families. Know that we cannot do this without you and your gifts offer both a temporary and eternal gift in the lives of so many. If you aren’t already giving, or if your gift has lapsed, please go to our secure website at www.reachministries.org and select “give financially” to follow the link. We appreciate you so much.


We have started preparations for Camp, which means we are specifically looking for:

Prayer Warriors
Counselors to spend quality time with our kids
Your financial gifts
Office Volunteers
Transportation Coordinator

Until our next letter will you prayerfully consider what you will give to REACH camp?


Coming to camp is a life-changing experience, no matter what God calls you to do. You might think you need special skills to help out at camp. You only need one: the readiness to follow what God has for you to do. And you can count on one thing: CHANGE. Relationships always change us; they shape and mold us in so many ways. Come on over, you’ll see what we’re talking about!

We look forward to hearing from you!


The REACH team: Pat, Erica, Pam

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