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REACH Theme Connects Deeply

Our REACH theme for 2022 – Love Without Limits – exceeded our expectations. It connected deeply with kids, teens, adults, volunteers, and staff. One volunteer said that experiencing the theme at camp has reshaped her view of how she wants to live her life. And she knows it will continue to be a part of everything she does in the future. After a breakout session focused on the five love languages, a REACH mom commented, “I guess I’ve always known my husband needed words of affirmation. But I realized this weekend that I haven’t been giving him what he needs at all.” When the single adults were asked to name someone who has loved them well, several of them named REACH individuals they have known for years, including specific examples of how they have been loved in action. While parents were discussing that love is an action, a decision, and a skill that can be sharpened over time… one parent stood up and said, “I am feeling so convicted! I need to call my wife and encourage her right now!”