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A Lifeline for Parents of HIV-positive Children

“Mom guilt” is a familiar term that exists because mothers so commonly feel like they have failed as parents in some way. This guilt can be especially paralyzing for adoptive parents of HIV-positive children, as the kids have experienced severe trauma which creates complex needs. At REACH, parents are confident that they will be accepted and loved no matter what, so they are willing to honestly describe their parenting challenges and the questions they wrestle with. Because of this gut level honesty, other parents have the open invitation to respond honestly and say, “me too!” Through these conversations, moms and dads are no longer alone in their fears and questions. The relief of this experience comes through in the following quotes from three separate moms:

“[I love] knowing there is someone to communicate with that understands.”

“I always feel trust to share openly.”

“I really count on friendships made at Camp to validate my struggles and make me laugh.”