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2023 Theme and Spring Retreat

Our overarching REACH theme for 2023 is WORKS IN PROGRESS. If you have ever chafed at your imperfections… gotten impatient with certain emotions that repeat for you… wished that your loved ones were different than they are… We invite you to step into our 2023 theme, take a deep breath, and experience the freedom of embracing the fact that we are all works in progress! When we let that reality wash over us – that we (and our loved ones) are beautifully imperfect just as we are – then good things result. Humility. Anticipation of growth. Patience and compassion given freely to ourselves and others. All of this moves us toward a flourishing life. We are excited to explore this theme with our stakeholders, volunteers, and participants all year long!

Our first opportunity to dive into the theme as a big REACH community will be at Spring Retreat, March 24-26. Whenever we introduce our theme to the families, we discover nuances and depth we hadn’t thought of before. We look forward to finding out what moves them, as we all learn and grow together.

We also look forward to those adventurous bonding moments that will be shared on the climbing wall, human foosball court, axe throwing range, mini golf course, and canoes. We hope we can fit everything we have planned into the weekend!

“We always come right back into the fold, like no time has passed.” – REACH Parent

“I can carry all the joy and community that I experienced over the weekend throughout the rest of my
year.” – REACH Teen

“My camper told me, ‘anyone you trust, I trust.’” – REACH Volunteer

Will you join us during the weekend of March 24-26 through prayer? Sign up here.