Circle of Hope 2021 – Interim Results

Watch and learn
the profound impact HIV has on families. Also hear how the accepting REACH Community comes into their lives to strengthen them to flourish.

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We are at 99.7% of the $75,000 goal. You can still make a gift or pledge to welcome new families in 2022. Learn more about Circle of Hope, our vision for the future, and make a gift or pledge.

Pour yourself a cup of coffee and join Circle of Hope. Watching all 3 videos will take about 17 minutes. You may watch them in one sitting or spread it out at your convenience.

This is our biggest fundraising and “friend-raising” event of the year. Thank you to everyone who has already shown their support!

$75,000 is needed for our goal to welcome 30 more families who need our safe community.

We want more people to understand HIV and know we are here to help. Please share this post with family and friends by email or other social media.

Simply say, “Please take a look at this. I love REACH and how they lift up kids and families facing rejection because of HIV. I’m not expecting you to make a gift. Please watch and learn why this is so important to me.”