So many NEW (& amazing) REACH participants

In the last two years, REACH has welcomed 30 new participants with HIV. Of course this means we have also welcomed their numerous family members. REACH is growing!

The stories behind the referrals are as diverse as the people themselves — brand new diagnoses, long-term survivors who just heard about REACH, immigrants, adoptees, and more. Whether the person is reeling from their recent HIV test, or feeling long-term lonely because no one “gets” their journey with HIV… we are confident that unconditional acceptance and safe community — the essence of REACH — will meet them where they need it most.

What a joyful privilege it is to introduce a new acquaintance to the community of REACH. The relief, friendship, and healing we observe is a constant reminder that what REACH offers is unique and needed.

To our supporters — thank you for keeping REACH going for 28 years and beyond. Safe community never ages, no matter how demographics or specific needs might shift.

To our referral partners — thank you for entrusting us with your precious patients and clients. Your enthusiasm for sending them our way shows how much you care about the whole person.