A Huge Shout Out to all our families and volunteers for a wonderful 4 days! Join us in 2016 for our 20th Camp.

Thank you for the Journey. REACH Camp 2015.

Thank you for the Journey. REACH Camp 2015.

During the weekend of September 4th-7th we will be hosting our 19th Camp. Would you like to join others who will be praying during the weekend?

click here to choose a day and time[gravityform id=”6″ title=”true” description=”true”]

June Newsletter UPDATE!


Walking Alongside Our Families

In this newsletter, we touch on our year-round programs – those rewarding opportunities to foster safe, trustworthy, judgement free friendships with and for the REACH families. Read more

New REACH Slide Show

Set aside 4 minutes and enjoy the latest REACH slide show here.


Kalkidan Memorial Fund


We lost one of our precious girls on December 27th in a tragic car accident. Because of Kalkidan’s love of REACH, her family asked us to establish a memorial fund in her honor. Gifts will be used to make REACH available to other children like Kalkidan.

From the Qualls family:

“Kalkidan Ella Qualls was born October 2001 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She became part of our family eight years ago and it was our great joy and honor to love and care for her.

“On Saturday, December 27, our parents were driving her to Montana for a holiday visit with friends when they were involved in an automobile accident. Kalkidan passed away instantly in the collision.

“Kalkidan and our family cherish being a part of the REACH community. In 2007, Kalkidan’s first year in the United States, we began going to REACH Camp. She made many close friends and formed strong bonds with other children, staff, and counselors. REACH was a place where she felt safe, valued, and understood.

“For the next seven years she looked forward to her annual weekend at REACH and the joyful atmosphere where she could create special memories with people that she loved.

“Please consider making a donation to REACH Ministries to honor Kalkidan’s memory.”

or mail checks to

Reach Ministries
309 South G Street, Suite 3
Tacoma, WA 98405

with “Kalkidan Memorial Fund” in the memo line.

December Newsletter UPDATE!

HOPE: “Something To Live For”

“Excerpt: “Born in 1987, doctors had no effective medicines to offer ‘Matt’ to stop the progression of his disease. Matt’s stepmother warned him to never tell anyone about his HIV status, because she knew that would result in merciless teasing and bullying. Listen to his story from his own perspective…”

To Keep Reading: REACH Newsletter 2014

Fall Newsletter UPDATE!

Camp Report and the Value of Touch for Families with HIV:

Exerpt: “…Friday, as everyone was arriving, you could hear squeals of excitement from kids who hadn’t seen their friends in months, you could see fierce hugs between young adults and parents who deeply care about one another, and you could feel the peace that resides in this place we call Camp. Kids and adults conquered their fear of heights by climbing the high ropes. Caring and honest dialogue took place between young adults who are HIV+ and parents of young HIV+ children. Teens spelled out REACH with earth worms, and young kids affirmed their friends, counselors, and parents at Campfire. All of which show you the true depth of what goes on at CAMP!”

To Keep Reading: Newsletter-Fall 2014

New Newsletter Posted! Summer 2014

Find out a little more about REACH!

Observations by REACH Advisor & Dad:
Imagine a room full of people comfortably chatting, playing, and enjoying themselves. Pretty typical of a social gathering, right? Look a little bit closer. Here’s something you might not see every day. These people are as diverse as they come. Racially, yes. But more importantly, people from all walks of life act like brothers and sisters here. You see preppy girls laughing with tattooed and body-pierced girls, muscular young men taking time to visit with the elderly, men in black nail polish helping young kids play a board game, skaters giving children “sledding rides” on their skateboards. Some are infected with HIV, but no one is concerned at all. Everywhere you look at a REACH get-together, you see unconditional acceptance. Each member of the REACH “family” is embraced just as they are. It is a judgment-free zone. And the safe community that results is something to behold….

Continue reading Newsletter

Support REACH by shopping AMAZONSMILE


  1. Fred Meyers: Link your Rewards Card to REACH Ministries www.fredmeyer.com/communityrewards. Search for us by our name or by our non-profit number (93042). If you have not set up an online account, it will take about 5 minutes. Every time you shop you help earn a donation for us!
  2. amazonsmile: REACH earns .5% of each qualifying purchase! EASY, FAST, AWESOME.

December 2013

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

Pat Askren has been a guiding force behind keeping REACH going for the last year as Interim Director, and we’re so thankful for her quiet leadership, hard work, and dedication. It has been a year of moving forward and growing as a team, reevaluating our heart and where our passion lies, as well as seeking someone to fill the Executive Director position. It wasn’t a decision made lightly, and we are so grateful for each of your prayers for us during this time.

With that in mind, we are excited to welcome DAN STOEHR as REACH’s new EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR!

The first question we asked Dan when he sat down for his first interview was: “Now, we’ve been debating it for a while, but how exactly do you say your last name?” “Oh sure, it’s pronounced like stair/stare…” After a chorus of “ohhhhs” and “interestings,” followed by a couple of mispronunciation stories and laughter, we knew this guy was something good.

Apparently God agreed, because it was made abundantly clear to the staff/Board after multiple interviews that Dan was the man intended to be the next REACH Executive Director.

Originally from Pennsylvania, Dan and his family (wife, son and daughter) moved throughout the US while he was a pilot in the Air Force until they were stationed in Washington in the late ‘90s. Dan retired from the Air Force when he felt drawn to begin working with his local church followed by a position in development for two Lutheran schools. Dan has a life- long passion to mentor and offer hope to young people who are being held back or face discrimination because of circumstances beyond their control. His heart for youth and families is also one of the reasons he was drawn to REACH.

We think he’s a pretty great guy, and hope that you all get a chance to get to know him! (Take him up on the offer for coffee!) But enough ABOUT him, let’s hear FROM him. Here are a few of his thoughts one month in:

Christmas Came Early This Year: Observations From the New Guy

That’s a funny title coming from the guy who cringes when I see or hear the word “Christmas” before Thanksgiving … and don’t even think about playing Christmas music before then! I’ve been “on the job” here at REACH since late October. From day one I’ve experienced the joy that we often associate with Christmas … so many great people with huge hearts and serving with devotion. I am inspired. The staff vigorously embraced my challenge to fill my schedule with meeting REACH families, young adults, mentors, volunteers, donors, and supporting churches.

For now, I get to ask all the new guy questions: “What has REACH been, and what are we now? What is the key thing about REACH? Why are you involved?”

When I ask the question: “What’s the impact we’re having?” people come alive. One example is from my conversation with a remarkable young woman who started with REACH as a toddler. When I asked her what life might be like if she never had REACH, she physically shuddered and blurted out, “I’d be a mess, I’d be completely lost!”

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

What I continued to hear was story after story of true love, hope, and guidance shared by REACH families, mentors, staff, doctors, and volunteers.

Based on all of these conversations, I have discovered recurring themes:

  • REACH is completely and authentically about LASTING RELATIONSHIPS, “family reunion,” and treasured friends.
  • REACH offers UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE and a sense of worth in the face of isolation, rejection, and stigma … one person said, “Misfits in their environment fit at REACH.”
  • REACH is LIFE SHAPING AND LIFE CHANGING, offering promise, potential, direction, and courage.
  • REACH is SAFE, offering trust, consistency, support, and stability.

When I ask, “What’s your vision for REACH’s future?” I’ve heard:

  • A passion for our KIDS as they TRANSITION TO ADULTHOOD – walking alongside and coaching, modeling healthy ways to live.
  • A desire to CONNECT WITH 13 TO 20-SOMETHINGS who aren’t already part of the REACH family – “they need us.”
  • A need for more EDUCATION to Churches regarding the current realities of HIV, and removing stigma. – For families, education for young adults, and adoptive parents, regarding how to disclose, and coping skills.

That’s a lot for the first month! One thing is clear: our external environment has changed dramatically since REACH’s first camp in 1997. The birth rate of HIV+ babies in America is now nearly zero, yet more American families are adopting HIV+ children from overseas … in all cases, the disease is no longer a death sentence for children. The first group of children to survive the disease are now young adults, and although treatable, the number of new cases of HIV in America continues to grow dramatically, especially among teens and young adults. So what does that mean for the future of REACH? Based on all my observations so far, we clearly have much, much more to do. This month, the board, staff, and volunteers began a process to revisit our core values, mission, vision, and strategies. We’ll engage in this work vigorously, seeking clarity within 2-3 months, and share it all with you, to solicit your feedback and input every step of the way. Look for more in the New Year.

I’d love to hear from you! Call, write, or let’s have a cup of coffee together (my treat).


Dan Stoehr, Executive Director

All of us at REACH hope that you have a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!