2nd Annual Circle of Hope Breakfast

You are invited!

Circle of Hope Breakfast

“Claiming Joy”

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Please join us to hear life-shaping testimonies, and learn about strengthening children and families affected by HIV to flourish in the face of persistent rejection and isolation.

Life Center Church

1717 South Union Avenue, Tacoma

Check-in starts at 7:10 AM

Program will run promptly 7:30-8:30 AM

The breakfast is a free event. Guests will have an opportunity to make a donation during the program. 

Seating is limited, and we are taking reservations now!

RSVP by April 25th to Julia Bowers at  administrator@REACHministries.org or (253) 383-7616.

2019 Spring Retreat Prayer Vigil – please join us


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December 2018 Letter

As REACH completes a meaningful year of in-depth focus on the theme of “Flourishing,” we rejoice that these conversations will continue – Flourishing is at the heart of our vision statement – that children, families, and young adults flourish with dignity and self-worth. We see our families being resilient in the face of stigma and rejection… we hear their stories of serving and lifting up others… they tell us of safe community they are forming. We celebrate it all as flourishing.
We also rejoice that God has revealed a deeply meaningful theme for 2019: Joy. There are amazing parallels between flourishing and joy.

 REACH 2018 Christmas Letter

Flourishing at REACH, The Fall Newsletter

Last spring a REACH mom said, “So many of our REACH kids were born into suffering and need guidance to get on the flourishing path.” Everyone wants to live a flourishing life, but how do we take tangible steps toward flourishing? Read more about our theme for 2018, REACH Labor Day Camp and more in the 2018 Fall Newsletter .
Read more in our Christmas 2018 letter. It’s been A YEAR OF FLOURISHING!


Coming soon….

The REACH newsletter, featuring Camp 2018 will be published soon, please watch this space.
Would you like to receive the newsletter? Please send us your contact information.
Read more

Prayer Vigil for REACH Camp on Labor Day weekend – will you pray for us?

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LET’S SEND KIDS TO CAMP! The 2018 Campership Drive is up and running!

We are expecting at least 7 new families, so we have set a goal of $14,000 to fund 35 camperships at $400 each. If you’d like to be a fund raiser and set your own goal for your personal network, here’s how to do it!

Guide for creating your personal or team page


As 2018 began, the REACH staff felt a nudge from the Lord to make this the year of “flourishing” at REACH.

Flourishing is not a new concept for us. Our vision is “That HIV-positive children, families, and young adults
flourish with dignity and self-worth in the face of persistent rejection and isolation.” 2018 Spring Newsletter.

Prayer Vigil – REACH Family Spring Retreat 2018


Will you join us during the weekend of April 6-8 through prayer?
It’s a virtual vigil – pray at the day(s) and hour(s) of your choosing from wherever you happen to be.

 Click here to sign up.


December Holiday Letter

What sets us apart as Christians? Our greatest desire is found in John 13:35, to be known by our love. Read more here in our Holiday Newsletter. Read more