Your gift helps children and families affected by HIV/AIDS.

Our Supporters Make it Happen!

None of our funding comes from government grants, and only 1% comes from family event registration fees, and often those are waived with scholarships.  That means we are supported almost completely by your generosity, making it possible for our REACH kids, teens, families, and adults to experience weekend getaways, mentoring, support groups, and other life-shaping services at zero or little cost to them. No one who needs REACH is excluded.

There are many ways to structure your charitable donation to REACH and we have listed several of them below.

Thank you for making our REACH a reality.


Dan Stoehr
Executive Director

Make a one-time gift or set up a recurring gift

We offer many giving opportunities to help you choose the ones that are right for you and your financial situation. Different gifts offer different tax advantages. Please consult your financial advisor to select the best way to give.  One time gifts, recurring gifts and EFTs are managed through our online donation form.

  • You can Make a Gift Online Today.
  • Set up Automatic Recurring Gifts – monthly, quarterly, or annually.
  • Make a multi-year pledge to give a child or whole family sustained support – fulfilled with monthly, quarterly, or annual gifts.
  • We accept Checks, Credit Cards, and electronic funds transfers (EFT) from your bank account.
  • Set up your gift as a Payroll Deduction.
  • Take advantage of your Company’s Matching Gift Benefit, if available, to double or even triple the amount of your contribution.
  • Donate Appreciated Stocks.
  • If you have a Donor Advised Fund, you can make grants to REACH.

Give Now!

Joining our Circle of Hope with a 5-year pledge.

With a pledge in any amount you will come alongside children and families for 5 years to strengthen them through the safe, accepting REACH community. By investing in the Circle of Hope you will provide each child with a mentor, support groups, 2 weekend family camps, community picnics & parties, plus continual visits, calls, and cards of affirmation.

  • Flourishing Child
    $1,500 per year for 5 years (or $125 per month)
    Provides ONE CHILD with ALL our year-round support.
  • Flourishing Family
    $3,300 per year for 5 years (or $275 per month)
    Provides ONE WHOLE FAMILY with ALL our year-round support.
  • Flourishing Community
    $6,600 per year for 5 years (or $550 per month)
    Provides TWO NEW FAMILIES with ALL our year-round support.
  • Flourishing Pacific Northwest
    $13,200 per year for 5 years
    Provides MANY NEW FAMILIES, TEENS, AND SINGLE YOUNG ADULTS with ALL our year-round support.

Circle of Hope

Are you 70 1/2 or older?

You can support REACH with a qualified charitable distribution from your IRA.

You must take required minimum distributions from your IRA(s) each year. The amount is calculated using tables published by the IRS.

When planning your IRA withdrawal strategy, you might consider making charitable donations to REACH through a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD), popularly known as the IRA charitable rollover. These distributions are usually considered ordinary income and taxed as such, unless you make a QCD.


  • This is a quick and easy way to make a gift to your favorite charity or charities from one of your major assets.
  • This satisfies all or part of your annual mandatory distribution requirement at age 70 ½ and older.
  • The QCD is excluded from income so no federal tax is paid on that amount, and it also avoids the possibility that you could be moved into a higher tax bracket.

Make a QCD:

  • Direct the administrator of your IRA(s) to make the charitable distribution(s) directly from your IRA(s) to REACH. You may download this sample letter to your IRA administrator: IRA-sample-letter.  REACH’s tax ID number is 91-1644321.
  • There are additional time sensitive qualifications. For further instructions, please contact your tax advisor.

Qualified Charitable Distributions:

Questions?  Contact:

Dan Stoehr
Executive Director

The easiest gifts are:

  • Designating REACH as a Beneficiary on your Retirement Plan or Life Insurance Policy.
  • Leaving a gift in your Will or Living Trust. Please consult with your attorney or advisor for the best wording.

For the more complex gifts, REACH has a partner relationship with the The Greater Tacoma Community Foundation, who will work with you to support REACH with gifts of:

  • Real Estate
  • Gifts in Kind (personal property)
  • Charitable Remainder Trust
  • Charitable Gift Annuity
  • Charitable Lead Trust

Legacy Giving

Questions?  Contact:

Dan Stoehr
Executive Director

© Copyright - REACH Ministries, a registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 91-1644321