New Newsletter Posted! Summer 2014

Find out a little more about REACH!

Observations by REACH Advisor & Dad:
Imagine a room full of people comfortably chatting, playing, and enjoying themselves. Pretty typical of a social gathering, right? Look a little bit closer. Here’s something you might not see every day. These people are as diverse as they come. Racially, yes. But more importantly, people from all walks of life act like brothers and sisters here. You see preppy girls laughing with tattooed and body-pierced girls, muscular young men taking time to visit with the elderly, men in black nail polish helping young kids play a board game, skaters giving children “sledding rides” on their skateboards. Some are infected with HIV, but no one is concerned at all. Everywhere you look at a REACH get-together, you see unconditional acceptance. Each member of the REACH “family” is embraced just as they are. It is a judgment-free zone. And the safe community that results is something to behold….

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